Now it's time for a salad!

Variety of toppings for your salad

21.May 2024

Now it’s time for a salad!

Now that it’s getting warm again in the summer and salad is becoming a popular ingredient on the plate, we would like to remind you of the large salad bar at the PAPA, which makes the heart of every salad fan beat faster.

Not only is there a selection of lettuce leaves, all kinds of vegetables such as peppers, carrots and beans, shepherd’s cheese and seeds, everything you need to make your salad colorful, individual, healthy and varied – no, now there’s also something freshly fried on top as a “salad topper”.


On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, PAPA serves freshly fried toppings at the back of the salad bar during lunch time between 12 and 2:30 pm. On these days, one of the following salad toppings is served:

  • Fresh fish fillet
  • Spring rolls (vegan or vegetarian)
  • Grilled cheese
  • Chicken or turkey strips
  • Shrimps


So you can look forward to a tasty change on your salad plate!

Healthy   Lunch   PAPA   Salad  